It’s that time of year when we celebrate moms. They come in all colors and sizes. They are each individually unique in how they mother us. Everyone says their mom is the greatest but my mom is my hero. I could not be where I am or who I am without her. She sacrificed everything for me so that I could have the life I have. My mom is the greatest mom in the world! Those who know my mom would wholeheartedly agree that she is the best. She wears many hats but the one she cherishes the most is being my mom.

She has been my biggest cheerleader since the day I was born. She is there when I need her and there when I don’t. She somehow has eyes in the back of her head and is clairvoyant. She can finish my sentences and even figure out what is really going on in my head. It’s hard to keep secrets from her, not just because I depend on her for my daily care but because we are one.

My mom has gone to great pains to make my life what it is and to help me appreciate what is around me. She instilled in me a love for education and helps me understand both the simple and complex everyday things in life. I would be lost without her. I try not to think about that because I can’t fathom anyone replacing her. A lot of people make decisions for me, but Mom always takes the time to show me both sides and explain to me that my opinions matter and that I shouldn’t just go with the flow. She has also encouraged me to question her and to offer my opinions on life, relationships, and dinner.

My life is not an ordinary life and mom always makes it seamless. I always get a kick out of people who watch my mom pick me up and think oh that must be easy. Until they try it themselves. I can be like a sheet of plywood when all my muscles tense. She never makes taking care of me a chore. Others may see it that way but she just does it because it needs to get done.

My mom has always said to me, whatever I do, do it with confidence. One of her favorites is to get lost with confidence. She told me that it makes it a lot less scary when you have confidence even when you are lost. I never really understood that until we got lost coming home from the city. We missed a turn and ended up in Staten Island near all the strip clubs. If you have ever had to navigate in the dark in the city with a GPS that keeps telling you to turn around you will understand the importance of getting lost with confidence.

My mom has many sides, funny, serious, sad, angry but most importantly loving and supportive. She has this thing about music. She knows the tune but not the words. She just makes them up. At first, I found it annoying and tried to correct her but now I find myself doing the same thing. There are songs that she will blast on the radio and we will sing at the top of our lungs. We are always off-key but that’s okay. Whitney Houston’s I will always Love You is our song. Even though she only knows that part of the song.

I listen to music a lot, especially in the shower. I have this Frozen CD that at the end of it sings all the songs over in seven different languages. So I guess it really is eight because the eighth one is mom language, keep the tune but make up the words. She even made up a song for me when I was very little. I had to go to the doctor a lot and had to pee in a cup. As I am sure all of you have experienced, when I needed to do it I couldn’t. So mom would sing: I gotta go pee pee, I gotta pee pee, I gotta go Pee pee in a cup. It somehow worked, I guess because she took my mind off of things. She tells me she really wasn’t a big music listener as a teenager. I call Hooey on that cause she knows songs on the radio from the ’70s and ’80s. Every once in a while she will just start talking to me in song. She will have a song in her head, Like Luke Bryants, You can buy dirt, and that will be her answer to everything. Or she will make conversation with me in song to the tune of the song that is in her head.

She is not afraid to tell me not to do something or send me to my room. I appreciate that I don’t get special treatment all the time. Anyone who knows my mom knows she will drop everything and help them with whatever they need. She has set me an example of the person I want to be. One who is passionate has compassion, empathy, and giving. Something else I learned from Mom is that the reason she knows so much is because she researches it. If she doesn’t know the answer she googles it. She has the ability to weed out the garbage and find the information to answer questions like: How do you fix an air conditioner in an E150 Ford van?

She not only finds the answers to the questions or things that need fixing for me, but she also does it for everyone. I seriously don’t know how she finds the time. The day I was born she hit the ground running and hasn’t stopped since. She is my greatest advocate, teacher, friend, and most of all mother. I love you Mom with all my heart and butt. You may think you have the strongest, most loving mom in the world but I know I do.

Thank you for reading until the end!
This is the view from my wheelchair, where miracles can make a difference. Always Strive for the Impossible. Come back next week to learn about my volunteering and hear more about my experiences and The View From My Wheelchair.