Anyone who knows me, knows I love Halloween and Christmas. Since Halloween is upon us I thought I would take you all on a ride down memory lane of the past Halloweens I hope you enjoy them. I would love to see yours so feel free to leave me a message and a picture.
In no particular order, mainly cause mom can't remember, let the Halloween parade begin!
Herbie the Love Bug!
Happy Little Painting!
It's a bugs life!
Schitt's Creek
Hocus Pocus!
Heigh Ho!
To Grandmother's house we go!
Lady bug in flower pot
Hot air balloon in the clouds
Cute little pumpkin
Look up in the sky....It's Superman!
Flip Phone
Star Wars
Finding Dory
Harry Potter fans!
Roller Coaster
Beauty & the Beast
Beanie Baby
I hope you have enjoyed this Halloween parade as much as I have. It couldn't have been possible without my crafty mother, always looking for ways to hide my chair. Thanks, mom!
Thank you for reading until the end!
This is the view from my wheelchair, where miracles can make a difference. Always Strive for the Impossible. Come back next week to find out what I have in common with the Fall and hear about my experiences and The View From My Wheelchair.
Do you remember when I came to your house in the Herbie costume?
These are awesome!
I always love to see your costumes!!